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My Book: Stand Back & Deliver
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Todd Little : Presentations
It's all about making
ship happen.
"It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future."
- Yogi Berra
Conference Presentations by Abstract
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“Stand Back and Deliver”
“A Framework for Agile Leadership”
(90 or 180 minutes)
We start by
introducing the purpose alignment model. By characterizing activities by
mission criticality and market differentiation, we show how
organizations can discover and align with organizational strategy to
focus their activities and improve their effectiveness. Next we
introduce the key attributes and techniques for leading collaboration to
create an environment where teams can be creative, innovative and
productive. Lastly we show how to characterize projects by complexity
and uncertainty and the implications on project management, governance,
and leadership development to minimize risk and deliver on the purpose
efficiently. In summary the framework provides some practical
guidelines for:
Creating and Aligning to the
Strategic Vision
Dispersion of the Strategy via
Leading Collaboration
Utilizing the Strategy to Guiding
Execution of the Strategy via
effective Project Governance
Stand Back and Deliver, presented at
Lean Agile Sweden 2008
A Framework for Agile Leadership, presented at
A Framework for Agile Leadership, presented at ORC Software STORM
2008 Conference
A Framework for Agile Leadership presented at Agile2007 Leadership
Symposium. |
"Risky Business: Real Options @ Work"
“Risk and Risk Management”
(90 minutes)
Two industries that extensively deal with risk are Investment Banking
and Oil Exploration. As seasoned veterans involved in developing
software in these industries, Chris Matts and Todd will introduce a
number of theories, tools and practices surrounding risk and risk
management. They will share their practical experience using these
techniques and approaches, explaining what works and what does not based
on their experience and that of their colleagues.
Learning outcomes
- Categorization of Types of Risks
- General Strategies for managing risk
- A set of practical tools for managing risk
Risk and Risk Management, presented at Houston APLN July 2009
Risk and Risk Management,
presented at Agile 2009 (August, Chicago)
Business: Real Options @ Work,
presented at Agile Roots 2010 (June, Salt Lake City)
Business: Agility @ Work,
presented at Rally Agile Success Tour 2011 (March, Houston)
“An Introduction to Agile Software Development”
(45 minutes)
Agile software development has become very popular lately. Just what
is agile development? Todd spends some time to introduce the history,
values, and practices of agile development and also navigates through
some of the agile soup such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming, Lean, Kanban,
Agile Alliance, APLN and others.
An Introduction to Agile Software Development, presented at
OpenSpirit Lunch and Learn 2009
"Making Ship Happen"
"It Depends"
“Context Driven Agile Leadership”
(60—90 minutes)
- We expect
uncertainty and manage for it through iterations, anticipation,
and adaptation.
- We
improve effectiveness and reliability through situationally
specific strategies, processes and practices.
The "one size
fits all" approach to Project Leadership is inherently flawed. We have
found that the two primary attributes of uncertainty and complexity of a
project provide guidance to effective project leadership and
governance. Complexity includes project composition such as team size
and criticality, while uncertainty includes both market and technical
uncertainty. The approach and leadership style required for a simple,
stable project is quite different than what is required for highly
uncertain, highly complex projects.
Context Driven Agile Leadership, presented at Synerzip Webinar 2010
Making Ship Happen,
presented at PMI Iowa 2008
It Depends,
presented at APLN Leadership Summit, Dallas 2008 (get
audio here)
Context Driven Agile Project Leadership, presented at
video here)
Context Driven Agile Project Leadership, presented at
Context Driven Agile Project Leadership, presented at
Agile Business Conference 2006
Context Driven Agile Project Leadership, presented at
Agile Business Conference 2005 |
"Barely Sufficient Portfolio Management"
Minute simulation)
Yogi Berra is
quoted as saying, “It is difficult to make predictions, especially about
the future.” Effective management of a software portfolio is a challenge
that many companies ignore, avoid or fail to follow through because it
is too hard. Many approaches to portfolio management get so complex that
decisions fail to get made. But what would “barely sufficient” portfolio
management look like? In this hands-on tutorial we review some basic
portfolio management guidelines and introduce a simulation game where
participants make decisions about which investments a company makes.
Through the
instruction and the simulation, participants will learn about product,
project, and portfolio management issues such as business strategy,
investment return, constraint management, technical and market
uncertainty and project complexity in order to optimize overall return.
Barely Sufficient Portfolio Management,
presented at Agile 2009 (files
used in simulation)
Barely Sufficient Portfolio Management,
presented at Lean-Agile Sweden 2008 (files
used in simulation)
Barely Sufficient Portfolio Management, presented at Better Software
2008 and Agile2008 Conference (files
used in simulation) |
"The Strategic Business Analyst"
(60 Minutes)
We introduce the Purpose Alignment Model described in the book
"Stand Back and Deliver" to demonstrate how to analyze portfolios,
projects, functionality, and features based on company strategy. We will
discuss the benefits this approach generates, the process for
implementing this model, and work through several case studies. After
developing a Purpose-Alignment Model for your project or company, you
can significantly improve decision making and resource allocation (and
make yourself look really good).
Key Learning Points:
- Learn how to make an organization's strategy accessible to
project teams.
- Learn how to use this accessible strategy to guide project
- Learn how to assess requirements based on their contribution to
a project’s delivered value
The Strategic Business Analyst, presented at IIBA webinar 2009
"Leading Change Through Collaboration"
(360 Minutes)
Leaders today are faced with an incredible challenge—delivering the
right results to changing marketplaces, doing more with limited
resources, improving processes to reduce costs, opening new markets, and
keeping the company from falling into chaos. Amazingly though, the
solutions to many challenges are already held within your organization
and team. How do you unleash the talent within and foster the flow of
innovative ideas? In this hands-on and highly interactive session,
Pollyanna Pixton and Todd Little introduce the principles of
collaboration and the tools you need to create collaborative cultures in
your team and organization. Combining principles with practice, you will
learn how to use a proven collaboration process to generate new ideas
and embrace change, identify barriers to innovation and agility, and
discover novel ways to implement solutions. Practice these techniques
and tools to become a more collaborative leader while learning the
process for leading upwards and outwards.
Leading Change Through Collaboration, presented at Better Software
2008 Conference
Leading Change Through Collaboration, presented at PMI Houston 2009 |
Test Automation Outsourcing at Halliburton"
(20 Minutes)
A major challenge in agile development
is the ability of test teams to keep pace with ongoing development while
simultaneously ensuring that new development has not created regression
failures. This case study from Halliburton shows how together with
Logigear they developed a
comprehensive test automation strategy for their agile teams that
effectively leveraged both in house and outsourced activities. This
approach resulted in a significant quality improvement from prior
Agile Test Automation Outsourcing at Halliburton, presented at
Gartner ITXPO 2011
"Integrating Software by
Integrating People"
(30 Minutes)
In 1996,
Landmark Graphics was a company that had grown from a startup 10 years
prior into a leading provider of software applications in oil and gas
exploration. The growth via acquisition had resulted in a collection of
corporate cultures separated by prior organization, geography, product
line and business domain. The visionary leadership realized that the
best way to create integrated solutions was by integrating the people.
This example of leading collaboration has paid off through increased
profitability and market share.
Integrating Software by Integrating People, presented at
“What is an Agile Leader”
(60 minutes)
In this presentation, Todd discusses the concept of an Agile Leader by
examining the Declaration of Interdependence, including a history of its
creation. We are a community of project leaders that are highly
successful at delivering results. To achieve these results:
- We increase return on investment by making continuous flow of
value our focus.
- We deliver reliable results by engaging customers in frequent
interactions and shared ownership.
- We expect uncertainty and manage for it through iterations,
anticipation, and adaptation.
- We unleash creativity and innovation by recognizing that
individuals are the ultimate source of value, and creating an
environment where they can make a difference.
- We boost performance through group accountability for results
and shared responsibility for team effectiveness.
- We improve effectiveness and reliability through situationally
specific strategies, processes and practices.
Leadership presented at Houston APLN 2008.
Leadership presented at Agile Business Conference 2006. |
“Uncertainty Surrounding the
Cone of Uncertainty”
(30-60 minutes)
The “Cone of Uncertainty” of software
estimation was first defined by Barry Boehm over 25 years ago. The
fundamental aspects of the cone are quite intuitive—that project
uncertainty decreases as more is discovered during the project. Todd
Little takes an in depth look into some of the dynamics of software
estimation, and questions some of the more common interpretations of the
meaning of the “cone.” Todd presents data from over 100 “for market”
projects developed by a market-leading software company and compares
this data with other industry published data. Delegates will discover
some of the patterns of software estimation accuracy, some of which go
against common industry beliefs. Understanding the uncertainty bounds
and patterns greatly helps to understand how to manage for the
uncertainty. Delegates will take away from this class the following:
An understanding of “typical”
estimation uncertainty
Suggestions for how to manage for
the uncertainty
A collection of metrics to track
and analyze uncertainty
Uncertainty Surrounding the Cone of Uncertainty, presented at Better Software
2008 Conference
Uncertainty Surrounding
the Cone of Uncertainty, presented at IEEE EQUITY 2007. |
“A Model of Software Development Value Creation and Value
Capture” (30-60 minutes)
Todd Little
presents a model of the software development process that can help
managers and project team members improve their understanding of
software development dynamics. The model consists of a set of functions
and parameters that can easily be applied in a spreadsheet. Utilizing
this model provides guidance for the software development organization
to maximize value delivery by exploring value creation and value capture
in the presence of uncertainty. Items that can be explored include
project staffing, optimal release dates, and potential impacts of
process improvements such as Pair Programming.
Creation and Capture, a Model of the Software Development Process, presented
at IEEE EQUITY 2007. |
“Assessing the cost of Outsourcing: Efficiency,
Effectiveness and Risk”
(30-60 minutes)
outsourcing is a popular approach for companies looking to reduce
software development costs. We have found that the full picture of cost
and value requires looking at efficiency, effectiveness, and risk. We
provide a financial model and explore the so called hidden costs and
risks of offshore outsourcing.
Assessing the Cost of Outsourcing: Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Risk presented at IEEE EQUITY 2007. |
Caught in the Matrix
struggle with whether to have Product Line or Functional alignment, or
some form of formal or semi-formal Matrix organization. This
presentation examines the benefits of each form of organization and why
each could and should be utilized.
Caught in the
Matrix presented at Landmark World-Wide Developers Conference. |
Introduction to Causal Loops and
Systems Thinking
Peter Senge’s
Fifth Discipline does a great job of explaining Systems Thinking and the
use of Causal Loops to describe system behavior. This presentation
provides an overview of Systems Thinking and Causal Loops and goes into
some of the common dynamics of software development
Introduction to
Causal Loops and Systems Thinking presented at Landmark World-Wide
Developers Conference. |
Jungian Type (aka Meyers-Briggs MBTI)
Meyers and Briggs
popularized Carl Jung’s work on personality type. This presentation
explains type and temperament and has been found to be very useful to
teams to help them understand themselves and each other.
Introduction to Jungian Type and MBTI presented at Landmark World-Wide
Developers Conference. |
The Enneagram
The Enneagram
shares some similarities and is complimentary with Jungian type, but
also has some important differences. Fundamentally the Enneagram is
based on the compulsion and is quite helpful to self and group
understanding. It also provides a path of transformation that allows
getting through unhealthy compulsions.
to the Enneagram presented at Landmark World-Wide
Developers Conference. |
Software Metrics
This is a summary
of a simple set of software metrics that can be utilized to help a
development team or organization understand where they are at.
Software Metrics
presented at Landmark World-Wide Developers Conference. |
Check out when Todd will next speak about his models and ideas. For more information, contact Todd at
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