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Todd Little : Publications
It's all about making
ship happen.
"Ignore the power of the dark side."
- Todd Little
Software Articles
“To Estimate or #NoEstimates, that is the Question
” T. Little, C. Verhoef, submitted to IEEE Software for publication |
“Leveraging Global Talent for Effective Test Agility
” T. Little, Experience Report presented
at Agile2012, August 2012, Dallas |
Software by Integrating People” T. Little, Experience Report presented
at Agile2008, August 2008, Toronto |
IT's Strategic and Tactical Roles,” N. Nicholiasen, P Pixton, and T. Little,
Cutter IT Journal, July 2007, Vol. 20, No. 7. |
“Assessing the Cost of
Outsourcing: Efficiency, Effectiveness and Risk,” T. Little,
IEEE EQUITY 2007, March 2007, Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
Leadership in the Future,” T. Little and Ole Jepsen, 2006. |
“The Declaration of Interdependence for Project
Leadership,” February 2006, Seattle, WA. |
“Software Schedule
Estimation and Uncertainty Surrounding the Cone of Uncertainty,” T. Little,
IEEE Software, May 2006, Vol. 23, No. 3. |
Adaptive Agility: Managing Complexity and Uncertainty,” T. Little, IEEE
Software, April 2005, Vol. 22, No. 2. |
Portfolio Management Perspective of Outsourcing,” T. Little, Software Test
Managers Workshop (STMR), May 2004, Melbourne, FL. |
Agility: Managing Complexity and Uncertainty,” T. Little, F. Greene, T.
Phillips, R. Pilger and R. Poldervaart, Agile Software Development Conference,
June 2004, Salt Lake City, UT. |
“Value Creation and Capture, a Model of the
Software Development Process,” T. Little, IEEE Software, June 2004,
Vol. 21, No. 2. |
and Real Options as an Analogy for Software Development,” T. Little, Agile
Software Development Conference, June 2003, Salt Lake City, UT. |
"Buy, Build, Beg or
Borrow: Delivering Applications in the New Age of Software Development”,
T. Little and S. Webb, SPE 38120, SPE Computer Applications, December
1997. |
“SAVE: An Alliance
for Reservoir Simulation Software Integration”, H. Haringa, T.
Little, A. Austin, R. Aydelotte, SPE 36759, Journal of Petroleum
Technology, |
Virtual Reality Interfaces for the Geosciences”, W. Bethel, J.
Jacobsen, A. Austin, M. Lederer, T. Little, Norwegian Society of
Chartered Engineers and Ostfold Research Foundation Virtual Reality in
GeoSciences Conference Proceedings, June 1996, Halden, Norway. |
“An Object Oriented
Solution to an Interdisciplinary 3D Visualization Tool”, C.
Sinclair, T. Little, M.A. Rahi, SPE 27545, 1994 European Petroleum
Computer Conference Proceedings, March 1994. Subsequently published in
SPE Computer Applications, June 1995, Volume 7, Number 3. |
"Buy don’t Build -
What does that Mean for a Software Developer”, T. Little, M.A. Rahi,
C. Sinclair, SPE 28255, 1994 Petroleum Computer Conference Proceedings,
July 1994. Subsequently published as
SPE 30886,
Journal of Petroleum Technology, June 1995, Volume 47, Number 6. |
“Migrating Legacy Petroleum Engineering Applications to Open Systems
Environments”, T.Little, D. Chien, M.A. Rahi, C. Sinclair, SPE 27560,
1994 European Petroleum Computer Conference Proceedings, March 1994.
Subsequently published in SPE Computer Applications, June 1996, Volume
8, Number 3. |
Check out when Todd will next speak about his models and ideas. For more information, contact Todd at
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